© circle of love ministries all rights reserved 2018
Circle of Love Ministries


Pictures of Hope

The smiles say it all. Where once the ravages of a war torn land only brought hate and devastation, there shines a glimmer of hope for the future in the faces of the people that remain. The Lord has seen their pain and suffering and sent His willing servants to answer the call to come. Now the light begins to shine in the eyes of the ones that are left; the ones that will build again as they reach for the possibilities that only courage can create.
© circle of love ministries all rights reserved 2018
Circle of Love Ministries


Pictures of Hope

The smiles say it all. Where once the ravages of a war torn land only brought hate and devastation, there shines a glimmer of hope for the future in the faces of the people that remain. The Lord has seen their pain and suffering and sent His willing servants to answer the call to come. Now the light begins to shine in the eyes of the ones that are left; the ones that will build again as they reach for the possibilities that only courage can create.